Contemporary — may refer to: * Modern era in its generic sense, living, occurring, or existing, at the same time; often also used as a synonym for modern * Contemporary philosophy, Western philosophy from c. 1960 presentIn music: * Contemporary music, post 1945 … Wikipedia
contemporary — contemporary, contemporaneous 1. Contemporary has two main meanings: (1) ‘living or occurring at the same time’, both as an adjective (often followed by with) and as a noun (often followed by of): • Austen Layard, a contemporary of Wallace who… … Modern English usage
contemporary — adj Contemporary, contemporaneous, coeval, coetaneous, synchronous, simultaneous, coincident, concomitant, concurrent are comparable when they mean existing, living, or occurring at the same time. In contemporary and contemporaneous (of which… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Contemporary R&B — (englisch für zeitgenössischer R B), meist nur R B, bezeichnet eine Musikrichtung, die ihre Ursprünge im afroamerikanischen Rhythm and Blues (R B) hat. In den 1980er Jahren nahmen die ersten Interpreten Musik auf, die als moderne Form des R Bs… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Contemporary — Con*tem po*ra*ry, a. [Pref. con + L. temporarius of belonging to time, tempus time. See {Temporal}, and cf. {Contemporaneous}.] 1. Living, occuring, or existing, at the same time; done in, or belonging to, the same times; contemporaneous. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Contemporary — est une compagnie de disques californienne fondée à la fin des années 1940 par Lester Koenig. Au début des années 50, Contemporary publie les séances dirigées par Howard Rumsey au Lighthouse d Hermosa Beach. Le label va publier les… … Wikipédia en Français
contemporary — [kən tem′pə rer΄ē] adj. [< L com , with + temporarius, of time < tempus, time: see TEMPER] 1. living or happening in the same period of time 2. of about the same age 3. of or in the style of the present or recent times; modern: see MODERN n … English World dictionary
contemporary — [adj1] modern abreast, à la mode*, au courant, contempo*, current, existent, extant, hot off press*, in fashion, instant, in vogue, just out*, latest, leading edge*, mod*, new, newfangled, now, present, present day, recent, red hot*, state of the … New thesaurus
Contemporary — Con*tem po*ra*ry, n.; pl. {Contemporaries}. 1. One who lives at the same time with another; as, Petrarch and Chaucer were contemporaries. [1913 Webster] 2. a person of nearly the same age as another. Syn: coeval. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
contemporary — I adjective co existent, latest, modern, new, present day, up to date, up to the minute II index concomitant, concurrent (at the same time), contemporaneous … Law dictionary